[Box Backup] Full server store not deleting old and deleted files (boxwin0.09)

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:35:56 +0000

On 1 Mar 2006, at 14:04, E.W. Peter Jalajas wrote:

>>> So, why haven't the old and deleted files been deleted?  And what
>>> should I do to fix it?
>> Check your server logs to see if there's anything about interrupted
>> housekeeping.
> These all showed nothing:
>   530  grep -i house /var/log/box.0
>   531  grep -i house /var/log/box
>   532  grep -i hk /var/log/box
>   533  grep -i hk /var/log/box.0

No output at all? Or no messages about interruptions? If the former,  
this suggests that there was no housekeeping activity in that  
timeframe, so you need to search further.

>> If the housekeeping takes too long and the client
>> connects too frequently, then housekeeping never deletes anything.
> Here's the timings from their bbackupd.conf:
> UpdateStoreInterval = 3600
> MinimumFileAge = 21600
> MaxUploadWait = 86400
> FileTrackingSizeThreshold = 65535
> DiffingUploadSizeThreshold = 8192
> MaximumDiffingTime = 20
>> This is something to be aware of, and the reason I want to move to
>> ref-counted stores in the 0.20 version.
> So, for now, should I just increase their quota?  Temporarily?  Should
> I put the known large-file BackupLocations (those with the big
> QuickBooks file) at the end of the bbackupd.conf listing?

Increase the hard limit temporarily. Check the logs for the message  
where it says it deleted stuff. If you don't find that in the near  
future, then you need to check that the client does not have more  
data than your soft limit.

But the first task is to find out exactly what the housekeeping is  
