[Box Backup] config problem

Wendell MacKenzie boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 01 May 2006 16:15:00 -0400


   Just got my smarmy box-backup setup installed and having problems
getting the client to talk to the server.

   I've setup my server, created the certificate store, created my
backup account, signed my server certificate, etc.
The bbstored launches fine.

   Then I created my client ID, signed it and am now attempting to
launch the bbackupd client backup utility.
It's failing with the following:

May  1 16:08:30 macduff bbackupd[25097]: Starting daemon (config:
/etc/box/bbackupd.conf) (version 0.10)
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: Beginning scan of local files
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: Opening connection to server
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbstored[24902]: Incoming connection from port 62225 (handling in child 25098)
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbstored[25098]: SSL err during Accept:
error:1409441B:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert decrypt error
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: SSL err during Connect:
error:0407006A:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block type is
not 01
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: SSL err during Connect:
error:04067072:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check failed
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: SSL err during Connect:
error:0D089006:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_verify:EVP lib
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: SSL err during Connect:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate
verify failed
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbackupd[25097]: Exception caught (Connection
TLSHandshakeFailed 7/30), reset state and waiting to retry...
May  1 16:08:31 macduff bbstored[25098]: in server child, exception
Connection TLSHandshakeFailed (7/30) -- terminating child
May  1 16:08:41 macduff bbackupd[25097]: File statistics: total file
size uploaded 0, bytes already on server 0, encoded size 0

   This is the relevant key area in my bbackup.conf file:

StoreHostname = macduff
AccountNumber = 0x388
KeysFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/388-FileEncKeys.raw

CertificateFile = /etc/box/bbstored/ca/clients/388-cert.pem
PrivateKeyFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/388-key.pem
TrustedCAsFile = /etc/box/bbstored/ca/roots/serverCA.pem

   Platform is SUSE 10.0 on Intel Pentium.

   Any ideas??  What'd I do wrong?
