[Box Backup] Client connecting to server problem
o omida parasita
Tue, 9 May 2006 19:44:05 +0300
I just installed/compiled Box Backup
Everything went fine without any errors
Here is my problem
When I run the client I get these errors in the logs:
May 9 09:38:07 secure1 bbackupd[21117]: Beginning scan of local files
May 9 09:38:07 secure1 bbackupd[21117]: Opening connection to server
May 9 09:38:07 secure1 bbackupd[21117]: Exception caught (Connection
SocketConnectError (Probably a network issue between client and
server, bad hostname, or server not running.) 7/15), reset state and
waiting to retry...
I have no firewall, I have no NAT/router
Can somebody please tell me on what port the server is running so I
can check if its a server problem or a client one?
In server conf I have:
ListenAddresses =3D inet:domain.com
In client conf I have:
StoreHostname =3D domain.com
Please help,