[Box Backup] How to move store to new machine

E.W. Peter Jalajas boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 16 May 2006 11:58:36 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Chris,

Funny to see myself typing this because I really have no idea, but I
think the _bbstored user and PAM are fine.  He is odd because he is
created without a password (as instructed), which I think is secure
because no one can become him except by doing sudo su _bbstored (which
is simple to do when needed). 

Re the permissions, I have no idea either except for the netcat tar
deal I did.  Maybe this confirms that I'm ok:
drwxr-xr-x   2 _bbstored users    4096 Mar  1 16:44 0e
drwxr-xr-x   2 _bbstored users    4096 May 16 12:55 0f
The old directories has the same perms as the new ones.

I'm a little nervous at the moment about so many new files being
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users     135 Feb  9 12:14 o23.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users   67015 May 16 12:49 o24.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users     135 Feb  9 12:25 o28.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users   58343 May 16 12:49 o29.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users     135 Feb  9 12:35 o2d.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users   38055 May 16 12:49 o2e.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users     135 Feb  9 12:37 o30.rfw
-rw-r--r--   1 _bbstored users    9703 May 16 12:50 o31.rfw

user@new:~$ date ; du -s /media/bu2/backup/<acctno> ; find
/media/bu2/backup/<acctno> -type f | wc -l
Tue May 16 13:26:05 EDT 2006
3360376 /media/bu2/backup/<acctno>
user@new:~$ date ; du -s /media/bu2/backup/<acctno>; find
/media/bu2/backup/<acctno> -type f | wc -l
Tue May 16 14:45:41 EDT 2006
3396856 /media/bu2/backup/<acctno>
(this redaction/obfuscation thing I'm doing is a big pain in the neck
waste of time, isn't it?)

And I can't see any files that are dated after Friday... I'll have to
wait and see because of the weekend and the flooding we had yesterday
Monday, maybe they didn't create any files yesterday...  Heck, maybe
this all fixed something that was broken before.

I didn't, but should have, run 
/usr/local/bin/bbstoreaccounts check <acctno> fix
on all my accounts before I did the tar netcat.  That should be added
to the wiki.  (I think I have at least 3 wiki edits I need to make

user@new:~$ grep -i user /etc/box/bbstored.conf
        User = _bbstored
which was set during the server config with 
/usr/local/bin/bbstored-config /etc/box hostname _bbstored 
I believe. http://boxbackup.hostworks.ca/index.php/Configuring_a_server

Thanks again,

--- Chris Wilson <chris@qwirx.com> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> > Sorry, I'm still not sure what you're getting at re the _bbstored
> user.
> >  Can you paste the lines that you think are odd?
> OK, I missed the fact that you were running the commands on different
> servers. On the old server, _bbstored has uid 1003, and on the new
> one 
> 1005. It shouldn't matter, but make sure that your restored tarball
> has 
> the correct permissions to allow the _bbstored user on new to write
> to it.
> It may not matter either if you're decommissioning the server, but
> this 
> worries me:
> > user@old:~$ su _bbstored
> > su: User not known to the underlying authentication module
> > user@old:~$ grep bb /etc/passwd
> > _bbstored:x:1003:100::/home/_bbstored:
> This implies that your PAM setup is broken on the old machine. I hope
> this 
> works on the new machine?
> Did you already try fixing the store on the old machine before
> copying? If 
> not, please try that.
> > (Do I recall reading somewhere that you start it as root, then
> _bbstored 
> > takes over, or was that some other project that I'm thinking
> about?)
> I'm not sure. There is a "user" option in the server config, but I
> haven't 
> used it, so I don't know if it works.