[Box Backup] Errors on backup - Client: 7/33, Server: 7/34 - OS X 10.4 - BB 0.10

Per Thomsen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 18 May 2006 15:32:53 -0700

On 5/18/06 2:35 PM, tbp wrote:
> Hello...
> Im maintaining a backup of 1TB+ worth of files from an office location
> to an offsite datacenter.
> Server and client are both OS X 10.4 and run boxbackup 0.10.
> Usually boxbackup quits on errors as seen below. What should I do to
> troubleshoot/correct the situation? Is this a timeout problem of some
> kind? Also, on the client boxbackup says "...reset state and waiting
> to retry...". Is boxbackup supposed to resume the backup run? This
> never happens.
To get started on the troubleshooting, I have a few questions:

Are you using the KeepAlive stuff? Looks like the client thinks there is
a ~2.5 minute gap between the start of send and the failure.

The server loses the connection about 29secs after starting to receive.
What quality is the connection to the datacenter? Could there be short

If this happens even semi-reliably, can you put a debug build of the
client (and, if possible, the server) in, to get more details on what's
going on?

Is it always the same file that's causing the problem? If so, how big is
this file?

Per Thomsen
> May 18 22:04:44 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Send
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f6051ec500,0x3cecde0cf68bd94f,0x0,".DS_Store")
> May 18 22:04:44 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Sending stream, size uncertain
> May 18 22:04:44 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Receive Success(0x190dd8)
> May 18 22:04:44 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Send
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f5fc6afc80,0x6b598ba4fb4270b9,0x0,"Exterior 3
> (Beauburg) 040506.ai")
> May 18 22:04:44 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Sending stream, size uncertain
> May 18 22:07:20 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Send
> SetClientStoreMarker(0x414159562ee00)
> May 18 22:07:20 yoiko bbackupd[374]: SSL err during Write:
> error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry
> May 18 22:07:20 yoiko bbackupd[374]: Exception caught (Connection
> TLSWriteFailed (Probably a network issue between client and server.)
> 7/33), reset state and waiting to retry...
> May 18 22:07:30 yoiko bbackupd[374]: File statistics: total file size
> uploaded 6026769275, bytes already on server 119254583, encoded size
> 3983556549
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receiving stream, size 49
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Send Success(0x190dd7)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Send Success(0x190dd7)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receive
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f6051ec500,0x3cecde0cf68bd94f,0x0,OPAQUE)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receive
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f6051ec500,0x3cecde0cf68bd94f,0x0,OPAQUE)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receiving stream, size uncertain
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Send Success(0x190dd8)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Send Success(0x190dd8)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receive
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f5fc6afc80,0x6b598ba4fb4270b9,0x0,OPAQUE)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receive
> StoreFile(0x190dd7,0x412f5fc6afc80,0x6b598ba4fb4270b9,0x0,OPAQUE)
> May 18 22:04:44 maigo bbstored[19757]: Receiving stream, size uncertain
> May 18 22:05:13 maigo bbstored[19757]: Connection statistics for
> BACKUP-A: IN=4066005908 OUT=1010157578 TOTAL=5076163486\n
> May 18 22:05:13 maigo bbstored[19757]: in server child, exception
> Connection TLSReadFailed (Probably a network issue between client and
> server.) (7/34) -- terminating child
> Thanks,
> Tobias
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> boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
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Per Reedtz Thomsen | Reedtz Consulting, LLC | F: 209 883 4119
V: 209 883 4102    |   pthomsen@reedtz.com  | C: 209 996 9561
GPG ID: 1209784F   |  Yahoo! Chat: pthomsen | AIM: pthomsen