[Box Backup] Locations not backed up when location name contains space [solved]

patrick machielse boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 24 May 2006 13:46:50 +0200

Op 24-mei-2006, om 13:00 heeft Per Thomsen het volgende geschreven:

> Do you see the problematic BackupLocation in the top-level of the  
> store
> (ls from the bbackupquery prompt)?
> Can you post the relevant section of bbackupd.conf (BackupLocations),
> and the output of 'bbackupquery ls quit'?

Thanks for the feedback Per. It turns out that it was my mistake  
after all (or rather: to begin with). I'm controlling bbackupquery  
from a custom application and I wasn't properly quoting the location  

Your comments made me re-examine my assumptions about my own code.  
After that, finding the bug was easy ;-)

A humbler,

patrick machielse