[Box Backup] Win32 Issues

Peter Porter boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 30 May 2006 23:30:06 -0600

I've been using BoxBackup happily for a few years now, and recently 
upgraded my server to v0.10 from v0.09 (thanks to an 'emerge -vu world' 
on Gentoo without noticing the Box version change).  I've never had a 
problem building on a Linux system.  I rebuilt Linux clients with v0.10 
and they all work fine.

I was previously running v0.09 win32 binaries without a problem, but I'm 
having issues compiling in Cygwin with the new v0.10 binaries -- and 
moving to another server.  I can use my compiled bbackupquery.exe on the 
machine where I've compiled, but I get an error on the target machine:

server01 box $ bbackupquery -c bbackupd.conf
Box Backup Query Tool v0.10, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2006
Using configuration file bbackupd.conf
Connecting to store...
Handshake with store...
Login to store...
Login complete.

Type "help" for a list of commands.

query > Exception: Common OSFileError (Error accessing a file. Check 
permissions.) (1/9)
No random device -- additional seeding of random number generator not 
Failed to read from console: error 6

Any ideas as to what I'm missing, or pointing me toward a decent faq for 
win32/Cygwin -- specifically how to install a compiled package, and what 
libraries would be required (from a base Cygwin install) would be much 
