[Box Backup] Exclude directory with space in the name from backup on OS X - BB 0.10

Tobias Balle-Petersen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:17:44 +0200


I'm trying to prevent a folder within a backuplocation from being backed 
up. The folder has a space in the name. For some reason the config below 
  backups the unwanted folder "pre theft" within the 
/Volumes/raidA/files hierarchy. Client is on OS X 10.4 and store is 
Debian Linux.

   Path = /Volumes/raidA/files
   ExcludeDir = "/Volumes/raidA/files/pre theft"

I have also tried:
ExcludeDir = /Volumes/raidA/files/pre\ theft
