[Box Backup] local backups really slow
Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:08:20 -0400
On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:04:07 +0100 Martin wrote:
ME> On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 23:04 -0400, rs@boxbackup.spam.futz.org wrote:
ME> > I'm trying to backup to a server running on the local machine to set up
ME> > a disk I'm going to use at a remote site. [...] It seems to only be going
ME> > at about 200K/s, which is paltry in comparison to the M/s rates I see
ME> > when doing local rsyncs.
ME> The machine is heavily IO bound and it's clearly not transfer rate so it
ME> is presumably seeking that is giving the trouble.
More fun and games.. this morning, I tried again, this time using a non-raid
configuration. I set up bandwidth monitoring on the loopback interface and
started a backup. Initially, it looked great: 60/20 % CPU usage for bbackup and
bbstored, and 8000K/s.... The it dropped to 7/3 % CPU usages and 200K/s. This
time, it's just at about 3% wait, and 80% idle. A few minutes later it perked
up again for a minute, before dropping again. It's been a few minutes with no
signs of picking back up again...
Looking at the logs, I see that housekeeping ran about 5 minutes after the
connection message for the backup.. maybe housekeeping tweaks something that
affects throughput and doesn't reset it when housekeeping is done??