[Box Backup] BadBackupStoreFile

Johann Glaser boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:54:39 +0200


> Probably that file is over 2 GB. Unfortunately there is a bug in 0.10 
> which causes this. I've updated the Installation page on the wiki to 
> describe the problem more clearly:
>    http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/trac/wiki/Installation
> Please could you try updating both server and client to the chris/merge 
> branch, as described on that page? You may also need to delete the old 
> version of the file from the store in order to ensure that it is backed up 
> cleanly. (for example, exclude it from the backup set, run a backup, then 
> remove the exclusion).

Yes, the original file is >2GB, but we have some more, even larger
files, which don't show this problem. 

Is it sure that the backup continues after the problem with all other
files? Or does the backup stop after the first error?

How can I find out which files in the backup store belong to which
original files?

Your second paragraph suggests that excluding files from the backup by
adding an exclusion-statement in bbackupd.conf will remove all backups
of this file. Is this true?

Unfortunately we don't want to try unstable or testing backup software
on our production server, therefore we will want to wait until a more
stable version is available.


Johann Glaser                          <glaser@ict.tuwien.ac.at>
             Institute of Computer Technology, E384
Vienna University of Technology, Gusshausstr. 27-29, A-1040 Wien
Phone: ++43/1/58801-38444                Fax: ++43/1/58801-38499