[Box Backup] BadBackupStoreFile

Chris Wilson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 23:14:59 +0100 (BST)

Hi Johann,

Many thanks for testing and reporting these problems!

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Johann Glaser wrote:

>>> 759356296 ./23/06/o12.rfw
>>> 759552073 ./9e/06/o8f.rfw
>>> 759633897 ./1a/07/obc.rfw
>>> 1529736909 ./ba/o55.rfw
>>> 1539937214 ./69/01/o05.rfw
>>> 2744679666 ./16/01/o5f.rfw
>>> 5133609317 ./f2/o44.rfw
>> Do you have any errors restoring or comparing the other large file?
> Yes, there are errors:
> query > compare -E . .
> Local file './__db.002/__db.002' has different contents to store file './__db.002'.
> Local file './__db.003/__db.003' has different contents to store file './__db.003'.
> Local file './__db.004/__db.004' has different contents to store file './__db.004'.
> Local file './__db.005/__db.005' has different contents to store file './__db.005'.
> Local file './__db.006/__db.006' has different contents to store file './__db.006'.
> ERROR: (4/48) during file fetch and comparsion for './strings'
> ERROR: (7/41) during file fetch and comparsion for './transactions'
> ERROR: (7/41) during file fetch and comparsion for './uuids'

Can i just check this? You later said:

> Now (after the above error 4/48 not when starting bbackupquery it prints
> Box Backup Query Tool v0.10, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2006
> Using configuration file /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
> Connecting to store...
> Handshake with store...
> Login to store...
> and hangs.

It prints the banner in the MIDDLE of your bbackupquery session, AFTER you 
run the compare command? And then hangs? And the server is hung as well?
That's pretty messed up! I can't even see how the code could do that.

What platform are the server and client, what version of GCC do you use, 
where did you get the packages (or did you build them yourself) and do you 
have any reason to suspect hardward problems such as bad RAM on either 
server or client?

> PID 28114 was still running with nearly 100% CPU when already at the 
> bbackupquery prompt. Typing "ls" just hang. I had to kill it, just 
> restarting the boxbackup-server didn't stop this task.

Could you possibly attach a debugger to the hung bbstored process and get 
a backtrace for me? ("bt" command in gdb).

Cheers, Chris.
_____ __     _
\  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Perl/SQL/HTML Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU-free your mind-and your software |