[Box Backup] OSFileError

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:17:44 +0000

Are you running bbackupd as a non-root user, and is it attempting to  
backup a file it doesn't have permissions to access?

Turn on ExtendedLogging = yes to get clues on what it's doing.

On 24 Jan 2007, at 12:17, patrick machielse wrote:

> I started getting the following error a while ago when trying to  
> start bbackupd:
> bbackupd[890]: Exception caught (Common OSFileError (Error  
> accessing a file. Check permissions.) 1/9), reset state and waiting  
> to retry...
> I can't find anything on this on the net. Where should I look for a  
> problem, on the client or on the server? I am able to query the  
> server and restore files. I just can't seem to backup.
> patrick
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