[Box Backup] housekeeping time

Jernej Porenta boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:33:31 +0200 (CEST)


I was wondering what is the reasonable amount of time, before you give up
on housekeeping and delete files by regular tools (rm?)?

My problem goes like this: I have just one account who had 120GB/132GB
limit with large number of files (Cyrus mail store) and housekeeping was
taking about 23 hours to finish on that account so I changed the limits to
80GB/120GB and restarted the server, which started housekeeping straight
away and it is doing it for *7 days* now. In that seven days I stopped the
client, because I didn't want to interrupt the housekeeping process.

The machine is dual-Xeon 2.66/2.5GB RAM, store is on U320 SCSI disk used
just for that purpose, runs Debian Etch with svn build of boxbackup.

The account info is:
		  Account ID: 00000001
              Last object ID: 6233095
                 Blocks used: 31491156 (123012.33Mb)
    Blocks used by old files: 8942537 (34931.79Mb)
Blocks used by deleted files: 10908404 (42610.95Mb)
  Blocks used by directories: 105613 (412.55Mb)
            Block soft limit: 20971520 (81920.00Mb)
            Block hard limit: 31457280 (122880.00Mb)
         Client store marker: 0

So what do you think, is it time to give up on boxbackup?

cheers, Jernej