[Box Backup] I have the fear....

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 18:04:59 +0000

On 13 Mar 2007, at 16:39, Ben Bennett wrote:

> BoxBackup is running (but may have been stopped for a week).  I am
> backing up to an external USB device which one of my kids had
> "helpfully" turned off.

Can you be more precise about your configuration? This sounds a  
little odd.

Have you got the logs from around this time? Errors with connections  
and the like should have been logged.

> Is the boxbackup state stored somewhere other
> than the boxbackup dir?

State is in memory. The files in /etc/bbackupd just track 'large'  
files by inode number.

> Could something have been confused and
> thought it had been written, yet the blocks were unable to be stored?

The server gives the client all the state. This is reset after any  

I don't think the rename would be a problem, I even think there's a  
test for this scenario.
