[Box Backup] User reports.

Tom Albers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 21:41:26 +0100

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Op di 13 mar 2007 21:34 schreef u:
> Hi Tom,
> > It would be nice to know which files are update / moved / deleted. Maybe 
> > even present that to a user in some layout later on.
> >
> > The extended logging is a enormous amount of data, I already removed 
> > some bits, but it's clear it needs some additional love ;-)
> >
> > Is there any work on this?
> My chris/merge branch has LogAllFileAccess option which logs all local 
> accesses. But it seems that what you want is really extended (protocol) 
> logging, which shows all changes made to the data on the server. You 
> should be able to process these logs to get whatever level of detail you 
> want.
> If extended logging doesn't work for you, please could you give an 
> example?
> Cheers, Chris.

Hi Chris, 

Thanks for the answer. Extended logging indeed provides the info needed. What I would like to know if there is any script which presents that in a way to the user.  Create a html page or something. Customers like some kind of confirmation the backup is running ok, while not having any knowledge of Linux, as we maintain there server.

BTW. We just started working with Box Backup and it really seems a stable and reliable product. Thanks to all involved!


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Op di 13 mar 2007 21:34 schreef u:<br />
<font color="#ff0000">&gt; Hi Tom,<br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; <br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; It would be nice to know which files are update / moved / deleted. Maybe <br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; even present that to a user in some layout later on.<br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt;<br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; The extended logging is a enormous amount of data, I already removed <br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; some bits, but it's clear it needs some additional love ;-)<br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt;<br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; Is there any work on this?<br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; My chris/merge branch has LogAllFileAccess option which logs all local <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; accesses. But it seems that what you want is really extended (protocol) <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; logging, which shows all changes made to the data on the server. You <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; should be able to process these logs to get whatever level of detail you <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; want.<br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; If extended logging doesn't work for you, please could you give an <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; example?<br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; Cheers, Chris.<br />
</font><br />
Hi Chris, <br />
<br />
Thanks for the answer. Extended logging indeed provides the info needed. What I would like to know if there is any script which presents that in a way to the user. &nbsp;Create a html page or something. Customers like some kind of confirmation the backup is running ok, while not having any knowledge of Linux, as we maintain there server.<br />
<br />
BTW. We just started working with Box Backup and it really seems a stable and reliable product. Thanks to all involved!<br />
<br />
Toma<br />
<a href="http://www.mailody.net">http://www.mailody.net</a><br />

