[Box Backup] Failed to setup location
E.W. Peter Jalajas
Tue, 4 Sep 2007 13:55:27 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Chris,
> > We just discovered the same problem on another client server (with Box
> > Backup 1781 installed on Windows Server 2003; we can't backup from a
> > share, with the same error messages re "No such file or directory").
> That's not what I see below, did you mean something else or did you see
> another error message?
Sorry, yes, the very first error message we got was "No such file or directory". Subsequent tries
yielded the "Permission denied" and the (67) and 109 errors.
> > Failed to stat location: Z:\Admin: Permission denied
> ...
> > Failed to open 'Z:\Admin': The network name cannot be found. (67)
> ...
> > At another customer, we have a version 784 client backing up from a
> > remote share no problem, so something broke sometime after 784.
> In that case, please could you try 784 at the locations where you're
> having problems? And if it works, please could you try intermediate
> versions to find out where the problem appeared? (you don't have to
> install them, just download them and run from the command line).
Yes, we are scheduled to try 784 on that client this evening...wish us luck.
> > We tried changing the remote share Path line in bbackupd.conf to
> > lowercase, we started getting some weird network errors (109, 67). Are
> > you handling case correctly when parsing the Path line?
> It should be case insensitive. But you said you were already getting an
> error 67. How did it change when you changed the case? And are you really
> getting Error 109, ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, and in what context? i.e. what is
> the exact error message?
Well, we first setup the client bbackupd.conf to not read from the remote share, and it works
fine. We then kill that client (and the client process on the server if it is still running),
then add the remote share to bbackupd.conf with a Path like "Z:\dir_name" or "Z:\" (trailing root
slash required), restart the service (sometime uninstalling and reinstalling the service), and
then we start getting the errors.
> > (We tried various combinations of Box Backup on Windows 2000/Windows
> > 2003 with the shared drive on those same OSs, but didn't learn anything.
> > The one that is working happens to have version 784 running on Win2K
> > backing up from a share on Win2K3.)
> So did you already try 784 on this machine and it worked?
Hopefully tonight... 784 is running on another customer at the moment.
> > Maybe this is a DNS/NetBIOS problem? We stumbled across this page:
> > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875441
> >
> > See the section on "Method 1: Increase the value of the LmhostsTimeout
> > registry entry" If you think it might help, let me know and we can try
> > to experiment with that.
> I don't think it's likely, but please feel free to give it a try. Is the
> SMB server local or remote to the client running bbackupd?
The two machines are on the same local area network, and, I believe, in the same server room, but
I'll double check that tonight.
Just curious, why do you think it is likely not a DNS issue? BB is reporting it can't see or open
a simple share, that we can open with no problems in Windows Explorer? Typing that makes me wonder
if we can use an IP address...I can't recall where we stand on Path's containing UNC...
Thank YOU, Chris,