[Box Backup] Backup File Order

Ben Bennett boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 13 Sep 2007 19:33:29 -0400

Would it perhaps make sense to have a per-directory argument to say
"run the candidate files through this program and have it return a
sorted list"?  Then the complexity can be buried...

The functionality I would like is to have a way to back up a DB
well... I would need some hook to say "Does this need to be backed up"
and then another call to actually extract the data to a dump file for
backup.  Though I suspect a clever cron job could do that for me...


On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 11:03:43PM +0100, Martin Ebourne wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 08:18 +0000, Johann Glaser wrote:
> > I would like to generalize this. Probably somebody needs some files
> > backed up last, or even both. So, I propose to offer directives to
> > specify files/directories in a user-defined order which are then backed
> > up in the that order.
> This all sounds like a considerable amount of complexity (not a good
> thing in backup software) for very little gain.
> I also doubt it really would be all that useful.
> In the case of subversion although it is recommended to backup in that
> order it doesn't really matter. It's highly unlikely the current file
> will get ahead in that way, you'd need a very active repository I
> suspect to cause that, and a fair bit of bad luck.
> Even if it does get ahead it's manually repairable, the current file is
> just text and can be fixed. There's no danger of ending up with a
> corrupted unrepairable repository.
> And it's not even manual any more, svnadmin recover will now fix this
> completely automatically anyway:
> http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2007-03/0061.shtml
> Cheers,
> Martin.
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