[Box Backup] Re: bbackupquery and german umlauts

Chris Wilson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:48:57 +0100 (BST)

Hi Reinhard,

On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, Reinhard Tartler wrote:

>> Also, you might like to try installing the "readline" development
>> libraries package, and configuring with --enable-gnu-readline, to see if
>> the resulting build works properly for you.
> Which is intersting for debugging reasons, but the resulting binaries
> are due to licencing reasons (readline being GPL and boxbackup BSDish)
> are unredistributable. So that would opt out distros like debian and
> ubuntu shipping boxbackup in their package repositories.

I think I remember that Martin discovered that editline is broken for 
international characters a while back. Of course, editline should be 
fixed, but I don't know who has time to do it.

I really think this GPL-BSD incompatibility is annoying. If we 
dual-licensed Box under GPL and BSD, would it be fixed? Ben and Martin, is 
that something that you could accept?

Cheers, Chris.
_____ __     _
\  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Perl/SQL/HTML Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU-free your mind-and your software |