[Box Backup] Nice statistics.

Kenny Millington boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 03 Apr 2008 14:09:54 +0100


> Installed on SUSE LINUX 10.1, runs out of the box too.

Good to know.

> Maybe you can add something for syslog-ng users? Something like:

Yeah, I probably should. Is syslog-ng the default for SuSE (or any distro)
or does it have to be explicitly chosen by the sysadmin?

> Not completely related to the script, but can you tell me what '113182 file(s) were synchronised.' means? 
> Something like 'checked and up to date' ? And I find '102400.0Mb' slightly hard to read (output of bbackupquery status 
> i think). 100GB would be better.

Correct on both counts (I think - if not I assume someone will jump in
and correct me quite quickly):-

Synchronised files are ones which were checked and found to be up to

The 102400.0Mb figure is pulled directly from bbackupquery so any
changes to that outputting in GB should be directed at that application.

*poke Chris* ;-)

> Also I'd love to make a dutch translation. 
> Is it i18n aware? If so, do you have a pot file to translate?

Um, no - I'm afraid it's not i18n aware... 

Although, Googling around it looks like it could be done without too
much work - Python appears to have functions for it.

Kenny Millington
Systems Developer

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