[Box Backup] Restoring old directory tree?

Imran Niazi boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 8 Apr 2008 11:57:58 -0700


I remember talking about similiar or same issue, where you want the state of a
system at a certain point in time.  I'm not sure what came of that, or if its

One way to implement this is, each record should have two dates associated to
it, a 'start' date and a 'end' date.  start date is when box backup saw the
file in its current state.  end date would be when the file disappeared or
changed.  In a case of a file deletion that would be it.  But if a file
changed, you have a new file record of the same name (i guess thats how its
done now), and you would then have a start & end date.  Start date would be
the same as the end date of the previous revision of that file etc.

I guess this is obvious and you might have already been implemented in a newer


> An edge case is:
>   * Delete a file
>   * Wait a few weeks
>   * Delete the directory
>   * Restore the deleted directory
> Now in this case, unless housekeeping got to it, you would also  
> restore the file you deleted weeks ago, because there's no 
> distinction  between "deleted file" and "deleted file as part of a 
> general  directory tree deletion."