[Box Backup] Nice statistics.

Kenny Millington boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:02:17 +0100


> After running it for a few days, I've some remarks:

Cool - I always like feedback to get feedback.

> * it does not seem to list the files that were deleted that day - I could be wrong though. 
> I think it is crucial to see what is marked as deleted, so you easily check if someone 
> deleted something by accident.

It doesn't but then as far as I know this isn't put into the logs by the
box client itself so it can't be scraped by the reporting script.

> * the warnings and errors should be listed at top instead of at the bottom.

I think this is a case of different target audiences, the way we use it
is to report to us but also to our clients so they can see the backup
has worked. They're not too fussed by errors and warnings.

That being said, if the warnings/errors are listed under the list of
files I probably should move them so their show above the file list.

Is this what you meant?

> * I usually get an 'Unable to retrieve usage information.' for the backup 
> usage info. Any idea why?

Are you running the script as root? 

In any case, one simple check is to run "bbackupquery usage quit" as the
user that you run bbreporter.py as, if that works then it should work
from the script (unless Chris broke my regex for parsing the
output... ;-)).

Kenny Millington
Systems Developer

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