[Box Backup] Re: client connection error

Chris Wilson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 29 Apr 2008 02:10:25 +0100 (BST)

Hi Sean,

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, admin@vancocomputing.net wrote:

> It looks like it uploaded just fine. I really don't understand why the
> backup didn't start the first several times until you had me run the
> daemon with the -DVT options. It seems to be working fine (I've confirmed
> new data on the bbstored server).

I don't know either. It's a shame that we can't reproduce it. Please keep 
an eye on your backups and run a compare command regularly, and let me 
know if it appears to stop backing up for any reason.

Do you have logs from the early runs which should have backed things up 
but didn't?

> Yes, I've gotten several lines with "Notifying admin" for start, finish 
> and failures, but I've only ever received one e-mail. That time was this 
> morning when I first attempted a backup.

You don't get emails for backup-start and backup-finish by default, only 
for errors.

If you run the command shown in those log lines (for a failure), do you 
get an email as expected? If not, what output do you get and what's in 
your mail server logs?

Cheers, Chris.
_____ __     _
\  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Ruby/Perl/SQL Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU : free your mind & your software |