[Box Backup] Troubleshooting a 0.10

Damien B boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Fri, 29 Aug 2008 14:09:38 +0200


for stability reasons, I would prefer to run a boxbackup 0.10 over the 
0.11. Unfortunately I have a problem where most of the folders are not 
backed up, and the troubleshooting information found in the wiki seem to 
apply only to 0.11. For instance, trying to start bbackupd with -V 
always lead to an error.

I have logging for local6.* activated, I run the debug build, but 
nothing conclusive is outputted by bbackupd to announce why those 
folders are not saved; maybe it's an exclusion list problem, but I did 
the other folders to AlwaysInclude: no change.

So, what is the recommend approach to diagnose such a problem with a 0.10?
