[Box Backup] Announcing 0.11 Release Candidate 2

Alex Harper boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:30:29 -0800

Hi Chris,

> Looks like your box is too fast for me :-) I can't reproduce it but I
> think I know where the problem is, and I checked in a blind fix.
> Please could you test the latest trunk to see if I've fixed the problem
> successfully?

Seems like your guess was correct, trunk is now passing all tests for me. I
gather it was a timing issue?

FWIW before I saw your response I had gone ahead and run tests on OS X x86
(Xeon, Core 2) and PPC (G5) on 10.4.11 and 10.5.1. Tests were consistently
passing on PPC and older x86, but failures were consistent on the newer x86

Thanks for the fast fix,


Alex Harper                                         aharper@foobox.net

"Generally speaking, things have gone about as far as they can reasonably
go when things have got about as bad as they can reasonably get."
                                                          - Tom Stoppard