[Box Backup] Run several config-files as one Client

Benedikt Niessen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 21:22:31 +0100

Thats exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for that hint.

I will go this way and give BoxBackup a try.

Thanks for your help.

James O'Gorman schrieb:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 08:57:32PM +0100, Benedikt Niessen wrote:
>>  That was my idea. Im just a little confused about the client id thing. My 
>>  idea was to name the server with the id 1 and have a copy for each 
>>  bbackupd.conf jail, bbackupd_$jail.conf as you named it. The only difference 
>>  would be the foldername inside the config.
> The client id is just a reference for the box that's being backed up. In
> this case, the host server (i.e. the one which contains the jails) could
> have a single client id, and then when you wish to restore a file for a
> jail, you just retrieve it from that jail's location in the backup,
> like:
> $ bbackupquery
> query > cd jail1/etc
> query > get rc.conf /root/rc.conf.restored
> Object ID xxxxxxxx fetched sucessfully.
> query > cd /jail2
> query > restore home /newdisk/home
> This is probably the easiest way to manage your jails, rather than
> having a separate client account for each jail.
> I have my jails backed up this way, and it works fine :-)
>>  I have not had a close look or any experience with boxbackup so I dont know 
>>  if this would work. But if it works and BoxBackup is not "confused", then 
>>  sure this is my way to go.
> As far as Box cares, they're just files on a disk. You might want to
> look at the Exclude patterns if you don't want to backup the OS binaries
> (e.g. /bin, /sbin) from each jail.
> Here's my Location directive in bbackupd.conf:
>         jails
>         {
>                 Path = /data/jails
>                 ExcludeDirsRegex = .+/[s]?bin$
>         }
> HTH,
> James
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