[Box Backup] BB not transfering all files/directories

Benedikt Niessen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:30:58 +0100


I found this:

 > Exception caught (Connection SocketConnectError (Probably a network
 > issue between client and server, bad hostname, or server not running.)
 > 7/15), reset state and waiting to retry...

But shouldnt it work for the second try when I run it? I repeated 
several times...

Thanks for your help.

Chris Wilson schrieb:
> Hi Benedikt,
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Benedikt Niessen wrote:
>> After my first backup I checked the result to see if it worked. But 
>> seems not. I ran the sync-command several times and the Client Store 
>> Marker is changed from 0 to some other value, so seems it is finished.
>> This is my configuration for the paths to backup, but e.g. /usr/local 
>> is not complete, /home is emtpy, the jailsfiles are empty... For me it 
>> looks like a permission problem.
> That would not have caused it to abort. Please check your system logs. 
> What version of Box Backup are you running?
> Cheers, Chris.