[Box Backup] BB not transfering all files/directories
Benedikt Niessen
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:14:26 +0100
I accidentally removed the 0000001-Directory (1 is the id of my only
client) but now I get the following messages even I reinstalled
completely new (the bbstored-Server)
> bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load certificates:
> error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied
> bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load
> certificates: error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib
> bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load
> certificates: error:140DC002:SSL
> routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file:system lib
> bbstored[32451]: bbstored: terminating due to
> exception Server TLSLoadCertificatesFailed (3/25)
> bbstored/hk[32452]: bbstored: terminating due to
> exception Common OSFileError (Error accessing a file. Check
> permissions.) (1/9)
I checked all permissions, changed to 777 for files and folders, checked
the folders, reinstalled boxbackup-server completely but no use. It just
doesnt want to work anymore.
I checked for a debugoption but the FreeBSD-Port doesnt offer any and
the "ExtensiveLogging" is set to yes but doesnt help at all.
For today I will not try to fix it anymore.
Maybe somebody knows what is wrong and how to recover the backup-server...
Thanks anyway,
Chris Wilson schrieb:
> Hi Benedikt,
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Benedikt Niessen wrote:
>> After my first backup I checked the result to see if it worked. But
>> seems not. I ran the sync-command several times and the Client Store
>> Marker is changed from 0 to some other value, so seems it is finished.
>> This is my configuration for the paths to backup, but e.g. /usr/local
>> is not complete, /home is emtpy, the jailsfiles are empty... For me it
>> looks like a permission problem.
> That would not have caused it to abort. Please check your system logs.
> What version of Box Backup are you running?
> Cheers, Chris.