[Box Backup] BB not transfering all files/directories

Per Reedtz Thomsen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:33:13 -0800

On 2/20/08 3:14 AM, Benedikt Niessen wrote:
> I accidentally removed the 0000001-Directory (1 is the id of my only 
> client) but now I get the following messages even I reinstalled 
> completely new (the bbstored-Server)
> > bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load certificates:
> > error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied
> > bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load
> > certificates: error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib
> > bbstored[32451]: SSL err during Load
> > certificates: error:140DC002:SSL
> > routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file:system lib
> > bbstored[32451]: bbstored: terminating due to
> > exception Server TLSLoadCertificatesFailed (3/25)
> > bbstored/hk[32452]: bbstored: terminating due to
> > exception Common OSFileError (Error accessing a file. Check
> > permissions.) (1/9)
> I checked all permissions, changed to 777 for files and folders, 
> checked the folders, reinstalled boxbackup-server completely but no 
> use. It just doesnt want to work anymore.
It seems like there is a problem accessing the certificate files. Those 
are usually kept in /etc/box/bbstored/ca/*

Does the _bbstored user have access to those directories and/or files?

The config file to look at is /etc/box/bbstored.conf (or wherever you 
keep it). This has references to the certificate files you seem to be 
having permission problems with. Take a look at those files...
> I checked for a debugoption but the FreeBSD-Port doesnt offer any and 
> the "ExtensiveLogging" is set to yes but doesnt help at all.
I'm sure this is just a typo, but just to be sure, the parameter for 
extended logging is "ExtendedLogging".


Per Reedtz Thomsen | Reedtz Consulting, LLC | F: 209 883 4119
V: 209 883 4102    |   pthomsen@reedtz.com  | C: 209 996 9561
GPG ID: 1209784F   |  Yahoo! Chat: pthomsen | AIM: pthomsen