[Box Backup] Re: Announcing 0.11 Release Candidate 1

Reinhard Tartler boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:31:18 +0100

Matt Brown <matt@mbrown.co.uk> writes:

> Hi Richard,
>> I did upload that version of boxbackup to debian/experimental. As
>> usual,
>> the testsuite is running on the buildds. You can see the results of
>> the
>> testsuite here:
>> http://experimental.debian.net/build.php?pkg=boxbackup
>> Short: There as some failures, however I'm not sure if they are real
>> problems, or problems with the buildds. Please tell me if there is
>> something I can do to make it more easy for developers to understand
>> these failures.
> Just a quick question if I may - is there any plans to backport for any
> earlier versions of Debian ?

Yes, I intend to update the boxbackup package on http://backports.org as
soon as boxbackup fulfills its policy: being in debian/testing. I plan
to upload the 0.11 release to debian/unstable, which will hopefully
transition about 10 days later to debian/testing. Then I can upload to

> I ask as some of my clients who use Debian, some are on a previous
> release - although it is possible to upgrade them ;-)

It should be easy to recompile the boxbackup package from
debian/experimental to any earlier version of debian (and ubuntu!)

> I tend to use Ubuntu now due to its Long Term Support for releases, and
> I have a simple/crude although effective package script (courtesy  of
> colleague) to build debs of trunk etc for Ubuntu so I can deploy  via
> apt-get.

Exactly. If you want, we can use launchpad PPAs [1,2] to have the
boxbackup packages autobuilt for earlier ubuntu version up to 6.06
(dapper) on i386 and amd64. PPAs provide an apt-get'able repository,
which can easily be updated by package uploads.  Please contact me in
private if you are interested in this.

[1] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas
[2] https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4