[Box Backup] Re: HOWTO Compile Boxi from source under OS X Leopard

Stewart Adam boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 10:25:31 -0400

On 2009/08/10 8:02 PM, Achim wrote:
> Anyway, on topic: I am pleased to announce that Boxi is finally working
> on OS X: I have invested quite some time into investigating what was
> missing, and I came up with some reasonable answers. Details are
> available here [1], including the resulting DMG for Boxi R657 with a
> pre-compiled binary (Intel-only, sorry).
> Boxi now runs perfectly under OS X, apart from stability and non-ASCII
> character issues that are detailed on the page. I will file a separate
> bug for those issues on the tracker.

Sorry if this is a known problem, I didn't go through all of the Wiki page...

I downloaded the DMG on Leopard and upon opening Boxi an error occurred:

   Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libcppunit-1.12.1.dylib
   Referenced from: /Volumes/Boxi/Boxi.app/Contents/MacOS/Boxi
   Reason: image not found
