[IWE] SeaMonkey 1.1 -- surf's up! ... and bring a banana
Ashton Brown
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:57:17 -0800
Pondered at 1.07.. and then, so soon -- Viola!
At last, an upgrade from Suite 1.72 ...
for those of us who evaded the teething troubles (in certain primordial
and slimy OSs) while the surf/mail siamese-twins were being
se-pa-ra-ted, debugged, numerous add-ons spawned.
Dunno yet which of those n-add-ins will be accommodated in Monkey(??)
and of course, have 0-experience with the allegedly bitchin ones in
FFox, now old hat for you'unses.
(There was a reason which emerged for eschewing FFox on 98-lite, even
after I d/led a couple upgrades: forget the exactly terminal one. One
clinker - the amount of fiddling to keep the Suite's mail client +
TBird in sync. I favor redundancy-without-suffering/twiddling.)
As usual, not a single Install †surprise - and there's a new drill for
reporting -correcting?- sites that play vitriolically with SeaMonkey's
polite efforts at access.
† Except:
[Precisely as. I. was. installing. Monkey ... ...
My good 'ol ISP was altering the port for SMTP outgoing server (off of
Port 25, for all obv spamreasons).
As President Muffley said to Russky ambassador, re the Doomsday Bomb's
subtle introduction:
What good is it * * * /IF YOU DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT/ !?!
So then I went back to 1.72; it still couldn't send my test msg. back.
So then I called Live Person, etc. Hardly SeaBiscuit's fault.]
Features [about time..] a new pop-up menu on 'bookmark-Save', to
encourage selection of a suitable directory Now rather than.. some day;
should prove handy for those of us who use annotated bmarks as a dbase
-- like 3+ MB worth, por moi.
Seems snappier on the 600 MHz P-III web-truck, will have to try it on
the 1200 MHz /dev box anon. And the *nix version. Noted today that the
javascript in 1.72 had become long-in-tooth: it could not mangle er,
manage a 'JavascriptDirect(6)' or (7), to get me registered for a
set of DVM test leads, from Fluke.
Ah but.. the shiny New jscript in Monkey ... now has my leads enroute:
Upgrade browser for free / save $22ish too - Such. A. Deal.
(All you e- junkies out there - get Your free set of exc. quality test
leads, too) US-only, I imagine..
But you have to register - they need to know where to Send. Y'know?
While at it, buy a Decent DVM to replace that $8 China special of rilly
lousy accuracy on AC, probably poor on ohms, etc.
But if you eschew that - at least you'll have a decent set of test leads
for your POS, safe at >1 KV, flexible and.. pretty, too.
Imagine ... if Doze worked ~1/10th as well as Mozilla manages to work..
On the sucker, even.
Yeah - imagine Shrub.. with a sense of shame.