[IWE] Update /me bows head in thanks

iwe@warhead.org.uk iwe@warhead.org.uk
Thu, 01 Mar 2007 12:09:06 -0500

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  itchity trigger finger
 -----Original Message-----
 From: scottanderson@comcast.net
 To: iwe@warhead.org.uk
 Sent: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 9:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [IWE] Update
  Current scheduling has the machine being taken to the colo next Monday
or Tuesday. This depends on how soon and what kind of response I get
from the colo people.

Once that happens the forums will be available immediately. I've done
everything else needed to get it running properly.


On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 00:32 -0500, Scott Anderson wrote:
> Fixed, along with another problem involving broken posting
> functionality.
> I need to automate the backups, take the machine to the colo, set up
> outgoing mail and automated log emails, and we should be good to go.
> -scott
> On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 23:47 -0500, Scott Anderson wrote:
> > Yes, I could do this, but it means backing out the changes I've already
> > made to move to 7.2. The delta time between doing this and simply moving
> > forward is unknown.
> > 
> > The benefit to staying on 7.4 is that we will be on the Postgresql
> > version that comes with Debian, so subsequent rebuilds, if necessary,
> > would be much more quickly accomplished.
> > 
> > -scott
> > 
> > On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 23:33 -0500, Barry Roomberg wrote:
> > > What difference does 7.4 VS 7.2 mean?
> > > 
> > > I was under the impression that you were working on a new whizbang system, 
> > > all this would be moot anyway.  
> > > 
> > > If that is the case, I vote you simply accept 7.2 is a requirement for the 

> > > moment, since it does not impact your real goal, implement, and move on.
> > > 
> > > On Tuesday 20 February 2007 10:57, Scott Anderson wrote:
> > > > Update:
> > > >
> > > > The fallback position, which I'm not keen on, is to drop back to 7.2.
> > > >
> > > > The big work project I've been on gets dropped in production this
> > > > weekend, so hopefully I get some more free time after that point.
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > IWE mailing list
> > > IWE@warhead.org.uk
> > > http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > IWE mailing list
> > IWE@warhead.org.uk
> > http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe
> _______________________________________________
> IWE mailing list
> IWE@warhead.org.uk
> http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe

IWE mailing list
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<div> itchity trigger finger<br>

-----Original Message-----<br>
From: scottanderson@comcast.net<br>
To: iwe@warhead.org.uk<br>
Sent: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 9:13 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [IWE] Update<br>

<div id="AOLMsgPart_0_19a1fe5a-1464-47b5-a732-4a6303112b1e" class="AOLPlainTextBody">

<pre><tt>Current scheduling has the machine being taken to the colo next Monday
or Tuesday. This depends on how soon and what kind of response I get
from the colo people.

Once that happens the forums will be available immediately. I've done
everything else needed to get it running properly.


On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 00:32 -0500, Scott Anderson wrote:
&gt; Fixed, along with another problem involving broken posting
&gt; functionality.
&gt; I need to automate the backups, take the machine to the colo, set up
&gt; outgoing mail and automated log emails, and we should be good to go.
&gt; -scott
&gt; On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 23:47 -0500, Scott Anderson wrote:
&gt; &gt; Yes, I could do this, but it means backing out the changes I've already
&gt; &gt; made to move to 7.2. The delta time between doing this and simply moving
&gt; &gt; forward is unknown.
&gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; The benefit to staying on 7.4 is that we will be on the Postgresql
&gt; &gt; version that comes with Debian, so subsequent rebuilds, if necessary,
&gt; &gt; would be much more quickly accomplished.
&gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; -scott
&gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 23:33 -0500, Barry Roomberg wrote:
&gt; &gt; &gt; What difference does 7.4 VS 7.2 mean?
&gt; &gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; &gt; I was under the impression that you were working on a new whizbang system, 
&gt; &gt; &gt; all this would be moot anyway.  
&gt; &gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; &gt; If that is the case, I vote you simply accept 7.2 is a requirement for the 

&gt; &gt; &gt; moment, since it does not impact your real goal, implement, and move on.
&gt; &gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; &gt; On Tuesday 20 February 2007 10:57, Scott Anderson wrote:
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Update:
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; The fallback position, which I'm not keen on, is to drop back to 7.2.
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; The big work project I've been on gets dropped in production this
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; weekend, so hopefully I get some more free time after that point.
&gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________
&gt; &gt; &gt; IWE mailing list
&gt; &gt; &gt; <a href='javascript:parent.ComposeTo("IWE%40warhead.org.uk", "");'>IWE@warhead.org.uk</a>
&gt; &gt; &gt; <a href="http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe" target="_blank">http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe</a>
&gt; &gt; 
&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________
&gt; &gt; IWE mailing list
&gt; &gt; <a href='javascript:parent.ComposeTo("IWE%40warhead.org.uk", "");'>IWE@warhead.org.uk</a>
&gt; &gt; <a href="http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe" target="_blank">http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe</a>
&gt; _______________________________________________
&gt; IWE mailing list
&gt; <a href='javascript:parent.ComposeTo("IWE%40warhead.org.uk", "");'>IWE@warhead.org.uk</a>
&gt; <a href="http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe" target="_blank">http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe</a>

IWE mailing list
<a href='javascript:parent.ComposeTo("IWE%40warhead.org.uk", "");'>IWE@warhead.org.uk</a>
<a href="http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe" target="_blank">http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe</a>
 <!-- end of AOLMsgPart_0_19a1fe5a-1464-47b5-a732-4a6303112b1e -->

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