[IWE] Greenwald on a different dichotomy

Ashton Brown iwe@warhead.org.uk
Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:05:18 -0700

- from Repo/Demo, Left/Right ZZzzzzzzz and more like - -

    "The simultaneous rejection of the bailout and a corrupt ruling class"


Nice thought, but the Need for Speed dictated by the involuted 
base-koans of the present system - appears to make this momentary-Stand 
as evanescent a thing as.. that momentary-'stand' on bailing out the 
Telecoms on Constitution VS Neoconism. Just took a few days then, too.

Enjoy the thrill for a few more hours; it's a mirage.
The 0.1%, prior to any actual torches-in-streets carried by mass 
throngs, have always batted 995; the art of torch-making seems now about 
as dead as much else around these parts -- especially the IQs. 
Corruption is a kind of death.