[Box Backup-dev] Win32 build

Chris Wilson boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 2 Feb 2006 23:38:20 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Ben,

> The current release candidate doesn't have the Win32 build environment 
> in it, and I'm lead to believe the stuff in trunk is old anyway.

I'm confused - there are two Win32 build environments, MinGW and Visual 
C++. The last release was built from trunk (with a few patches which were 
subsequently merged) using MinGW, and seems to have worked well. Visual 
C++ support, however, is not in trunk yet.

> I don't have the necessary stuff to test or do anything with the Win32 
> side of things, so perhaps someone would like to set things up so that 
> it's easy to build from the distribution archive?

I will do my best, but I'm not a huge fan of Visual C++.

> I suggest...
>   http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/svn/box/chris/win32/vc2005-compile- 
> fixes/infrastructure/msvc/
> goes into trunk, or something like it.

Yes please.

> Add
>  distribution/boxbackup/WIN32.txt
> and write some notes which explain how to build on win32, with all the 
> various variants (which is Cygwin, Native with MinGW, Native with MSVC).

There are already some notes in trunk/docs/backup which describe how to 
build with MinGW on Windows and MinGW on Linux. I've yet to write up how 
to build with MSVC, except on the Wiki, but the text of that page could 
probably be copied into a text file reasonably easily.

> Clean up trunk/ -- there's a few bits there which look Win32-ish.

Please point them out - I'm working on removing #ifdef WIN32 where I can, 
but we don't have a platform define for it yet, and some things seem to 
make more sense as being conditional on WIN32 rather than conditional on a 
particular compiler.

> What's win32.bat? If it's important, add it to 
> DISTRIBUTION-MANIFEST.txt, as it won't get copied by default. It implies 
> it's for cygwin, is it also relevant to Win32 native?

It's the equivalent of "configure" for win32 msvc, and it's only relevant 
for that platform.

> Now the only thing is that everything is designed to be a generic 
> framework for building files, and all this is terribly Box Backup 
> specific. Given the way MSVC works, I don't think there's much that can 
> be done.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're suggesting should be done (ideally).

> And finally, it'd be nice not to build lib/win32 on non-win32 platforms.

Yes. Should be easy with platforms.txt and ONLY:mingw32.

Cheers, Chris.
_ ___ __     _
  / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
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