[Box Backup-dev] Errors with trunk client (Win32)

Roy boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 21 Feb 2006 23:13:46 +0100

Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Roy,
>>>  This version is compiled with VS2003 from the trunk source of Sunday.
>>>  bbackupd was running (not in service mode, but just in a Dos-box), 
>>> so I
>>>  could see what was happening.
>>>  The backup mode was snapshot, so I had to use the bbackupctl 
>>> command to
>>>  issue a sync command to bbackupd. As soon as I issue that command the
>>>  error appears. The errors (very very many flashing down the screen, 
>>> all
>>>  the same) are seen in the bbackupd window and when I kill that process
>>>  bbackupctl repeats that error one time.
>>>  I hope this is all information needed.
> Sorry, I still can't reproduce it with the current trunk built with 
> VS2005 (I don't have VS2003). However, the code in WinNamedPipeStream 
> has changed a lot (hopefully for the better) in my "general" branch. 
> Please could you test that with VS2003 and let me know if it fixes the 
> problem?
> You can find it at: [http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/svn/box/chris/general].
> Otherwise, please could you send the complete output of bbackupd, up 
> to the point of the first SocketAlreadyOpen exception? And let me know 
> which branch you were using, general or trunk.
> Cheers, Chris.

I'm now compiling from that source....

I only get one error and that's this one:
TRACE: Exception thrown: ServerException(SocketAlreadyOpen) at 

Repeated all the time. Even when I kill the backupctl sync command.
