[Box Backup-dev] Makefile.extra?

Ben Summers boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 15:56:41 +0000

On 24 Feb 2006, at 15:26, James O'Gorman wrote:

> Ben Summers wrote:
>> Sounds like the best thing to do is to autoconf it, and use  
>> Makefile.extra.in instead, which allows the prefix to be included.  
>> Then change all the C++ to use a #define for the location too.
>> Are you up for doing that? I know it won't help your current  
>> porting work, but would make it easier for next time.
> Well, here's my first effort. I'm sure Martin will want to take a  
> look at this, as it's my first attempt at autoconf-foo! It's a  
> fairly hefty patch as it renames a lot of files...

My thoughts...

1) It's really nasty to use this for cpp files, because to make a  
change you've then got to ./configure again, which means a complete  
rebuild. There must be a way to get autoconf to put the path to perl  
in a #define, in which case you can use that instead.

2) There are lots of scripts which need parsing. Maybe it would be  
nicer to modify makebuildenv.pl to go through and modify the first  
line of every perl script?

3) Please work from an SVN checkout. Release files have the license  
prepended, and working from those makes merging more difficult. Also  
it means you can just do 'svn diff' to get the diff.
