[Box Backup] core dump on DEC alpha OpenBSD 3.5

Patrick YU boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:58:08 +0800

On Friday, June 18, 2004, at 03:46 PM, Ben Summers wrote:
> First, can we check that C++ actually works on your platform? I'm aware 
> that it is broken on some OpenBSD platforms, including sparc64. So it 
> may be a similar thing with Alpha.
> Save this simple program as simpletest.cpp:
> [...]

You're right -- I got "Abort (core dumped)".  The box says
svn$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-unknown-openbsd3.5/2.95.3/specs
gcc version 2.95.3 20010125 (prerelease, propolice)

Any suggestion on what to proceed ?  I noticed the last word on the list 
regarding the sparc64 case is on March 3:

--- snip
2) sparc64 : the C++ compiler seems to have a bit of a bug which 
prevents compiling C++ code which uses exceptions. There is a simple 
test case below... I'm not entirely sure who this should be reported to.

regards, Patrick