[Box Backup] Problems doing a new install

Remco Poelstra boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 13 Dec 2005 16:57:49 +0100

Per Thomsen wrote:
> Not sure if your problem is on the FC4 or Debian box. I found that on 
> FC4 I had to install the 'compat-libstdc++-33' package on FC4 to get 
> another package (forget which) to build... Or if the problem is the 
> reverse, you might need libstdc++ 4.0 on the Debian box.
> ymmv.

Thanks for all replies! I coulnd't get it compiling in a non standard 
way, so I decided to break my server management policy and installed 
(temporarily) a compiler on it. It's fully operational now.
