[Box Backup] Version 0.10 released

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 13:29:37 -0800 (PST)

> night. If you don't have StoreHostInfoFile enabled, and an exception is 
> thrown during the backup, it will stop backing up until it's restarted 
> (throwing an exception each time).

You mean StoreObjectInfoFile? If the option is not enabled, it should should behave exactly as Box

> Unless people are willing to take a risk and try the new client, that 
> won't change, of course.

I have been running with your 0.10 RC3 Win32 client for a week now, no major problems that I could
find. I ran a few compares, as well. Nything in particular that I should pay attention to with
this client version?


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