[Box Backup] still don't understand what happens when the store is full

W. Chris Shank boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 29 Jul 2006 11:26:41 -0400 (EDT)

I have an account that has 90% usage with 46% in old files and 14% in deleted files. The soft limit is 95% of the hard limit. I get notices once per day that the store is full and files aren't being backed up. Since my backup will go off every hour or so, I assumed that as long as I only go this message once a day I was probably ok. Expecting that the limit was reached, the housekeeper then purges some stuff out, then the next several backups succeed. Am I making a wriong assumption here? Is there any way to tell how old the files are in the store? How do I figure out if I've got the newest of stuff? Do I just need to keep growing the store for this account?

Thanks in advance

W. Chris Shank 
ACE Technology Group, LLC 
(610) 640-4223 

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