[Box Backup] still don't understand what happens when the store is full

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 30 Jul 2006 14:24:01 +0100

Do you have any files which are larger than the difference between  
the soft and hard limits? Are they updated regularly?

Have you tried making that difference greater than the largest file?


On 29 Jul 2006, at 16:26, W. Chris Shank wrote:

> I have an account that has 90% usage with 46% in old files and 14%  
> in deleted files. The soft limit is 95% of the hard limit. I get  
> notices once per day that the store is full and files aren't being  
> backed up. Since my backup will go off every hour or so, I assumed  
> that as long as I only go this message once a day I was probably  
> ok. Expecting that the limit was reached, the housekeeper then  
> purges some stuff out, then the next several backups succeed. Am I  
> making a wriong assumption here? Is there any way to tell how old  
> the files are in the store? How do I figure out if I've got the  
> newest of stuff? Do I just need to keep growing the store for this  
> account?
> Thanks in advance
> -- 
> W. Chris Shank
> ACE Technology Group, LLC
> www.myremoteITdept.com
> (610) 640-4223
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