[Box Backup] Win32 Issues
Peter Porter
Wed, 31 May 2006 08:49:52 -0600
I've tried the Windows native client with the same lack of avail. I get
a handshake error, and I am certain that the certificates and key used
are the same. My session looks like this:
server01 box3 $ ./bbackupquery.exe -c bbackupd.conf
Box Backup Query Tool v0.10_rc0.1_win32, (c) Ben Summers 2003, 2004
Using configuration file bbackupd.conf
Connecting to store...
Handshake with store...
Exception: Connection Protocol_HandshakeFailed (7/48)
No random device -- additional seeding of random number generator not
What unit tests fail on Cygwin? It seems as though bbackupquery works,
it simply has a problem reading from the console. If I provide commands
as arguments, I can see that they've executed.
Doesn't a build on Cygwin with MinGW result in the native Win32 build?
I built following the instructions in
"win32_build_on_cygwin_using_mingw.txt", it would seem to me that I am
building the native Win32 client. When I try to do a standard configure
and build under Cygwin, I get errors that it cannot determine mount
points on my system.
Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> I've been using BoxBackup happily for a few years now, and recently
>> upgraded my server to v0.10 from v0.09 (thanks to an 'emerge -vu
>> world' on Gentoo without noticing the Box version change). I've
>> never had a problem building on a Linux system. I rebuilt Linux
>> clients with v0.10 and they all work fine.
>> I was previously running v0.09 win32 binaries without a problem, but
>> I'm having issues compiling in Cygwin with the new v0.10 binaries --
>> and moving to another server.
> Sorry, but I don't think BB 0.10 works properly on Cygwin. A number of
> the unit tests fail.
> Please consider using the Windows native client, which you can find at
> [http://boxbackup.hostworks.ca/index.php/0.10#Windows_Client].
> You will probably have to change your configuration file, since all
> paths should use "\" as the path separator, and "/cygdrive/c" should
> be changed to "C:\".
> Cheers, Chris.
Peter Porter
******Bright Avenue, managed web for new horizons*******
(866) 200-3263 peter@brightavenue.com