[Box Backup] backup a lot of files

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 2 Jan 2007 21:45:27 +0000

Please post your bbackupd.conf and give some example pathnames of  
files which are missing.

Is the timestamp on the finish file later than the start file?

What's the CPU usage of bbackupd?

Do your directories have lots of files in them? The current bbackupd  
is not terrible efficient with directories with thousands of entries.

On 2 Jan 2007, at 20:57, Meno Abels wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to boxbackup and i like it. I deployed it for a field test on
> 7 hosts and it runs perfectly.
> But there is one hosts which is on OS level (ubuntu 6.10 x86)  
> absolute same
> than the others.  These host has only one difference there are 6.8  
> million
> files spread around 100GB. On these machine the bbackup is not  
> completed(no
> crash/cores, no unusual logs) there are just missing around 2,5  
> million
> files. In the state backup directory are also a finish and start  
> file. I
> have no excludes in this config, the rest is just plain configure as
> delivered on standard installation procedure.
> I have no idea how to trackdown where are these missing files. Any  
> hint
> where to look at, would be nice.
> Thanks in advance
> meno
> P.S. I checked the filecount with
> bbackupquery "cd aspire" "ls -r" "exit" | wc
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