[Box Backup] Log files not being backed up

William R. Dickson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 5 Sep 2007 15:40:10 -0700

I've got a pretty big directory I'm trying to back up that contains  
many large log files that are not rolled frequently. Boxbackup seems  
to be skipping those files. On one hand, this isn't entirely  
surprising, as the log files change during the backup process so it  
probably compares the resulting upload with the original finds that  
they're different, and discards it as a bad upload. On the other  
hand, I'd prefer that the files just be uploaded, that it accept the  
fact that they won't match when it's done, and then simply keep  
updating the differences periodically; when the log files are  
eventually rolled, it can upload the last diffs and be done with it.

Is there any way to make the client more tolerant of differences in  
the uploaded files and leave them on the server (if indeed that's the  
source of my problem)?

