[Box Backup] Suppresing duplicate notification about backup error

Wolfgang Trexler boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 02 Jul 2008 10:38:49 +0200


due to a disk crash my BoxBackup server wen't down. It took me a few 
days 'till I found out and I wondered why I got no no error mail from my 
BoxBackup clients. Backup is in lazy-mode and it seems I already got a 
notification a few weeks ago when there was a short network outage. 
However the network recovered, and the backup worked fine again until 
the server crash.

In the log file I find:
Jul  1 22:00:57 hostname Box Backup (bbackupd)[2304]: WARNING: 
Suppressing duplicate notification about backup-error
Jul  1 22:00:57 hostname Box Backup (bbackupd)[2304]: ERROR: Exception 
caught (Connection SocketConnectError (Probably a network
issue between client and server, bad hostname, or server not running.) 
7/15), reset state and waiting to retry...

So in my scenario due to the information given at the network outage a 
few weeks I was not informed about the server crash as the server daemon 
was not restarted in between. I think this is a rather common scenario, 
is there any way to suppress the suppression? ;-)

Does it really make sense not to inform the admin about a "catastrophic" 
failure (like the server is not reachable), because he was already 
informed some time ago? I would prefer to get a bunch of duplicate 
messages in this case...

Version: debian packages 0.11-rc2

best regards