[IWE] Howard Slams Obama

Ben Tilly iwe@warhead.org.uk
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 14:45:14 -0800

On 2/12/07, Wade <static@yceran.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 18:36:25 +1100, Peter Whysall
> <peter.whysall@serco.com> wrote:
> > When that idiot criticises you, you know you're doing something right:
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/6352785.stm
> I wish it were as simple as that.
> Howard is feeling the pressure mounting for appearing to be the US's
> lapdog and it's looking like he might be about to get cast off, should
> Obama get in. Whilst I personally wouldn't mourn such an action, I would
> have thought Howard would prefer to be more in control of such a
> relationship. So it strikes me as a little odd if he's deliberately
> provoking the US.

You forget how much Bush rewards loyalty.  Also if any other
democratic nominee gets in, they may not view this action so
negatively (or even remember it).  So he is getting sure support now
for a relatively small risk of problems in a couple of years.  Which
isn't such a bad tradeoff.

> OTOH, he's used the same line before when one of our previous Leaders of
> the Opposition pushed for a committed date to end Iraqi occupation in
> years gone by. So he's showing consistency, which seems to be worthwhile
> currency in politics. Well, in Australian ones, at least.

He's also demonstrated himself to be innumerate.  (Or at least that he
hopes others are.)  He claims that Australia has a smaller force there
because it has a smaller population.  But if he wanted Australia's
contribution to be commesurate with its population, he'll need to send
an additional 8000 troops.  As it stands Australia's contribution
relative to its size is only about 15% of what the US is giving.
