[IWE] Re: iwethey?

Ben Tilly iwe@warhead.org.uk
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:41:37 -0800

On 2/12/07, Andrew Grygus <ajg@aaxnet.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 22:25:47 +0000, Peter Whysall wrote:
> >It will, but there's a few things to sort out with the server.
> >Notification will go out to the mailing list when it's ready.
> This is certainly a perfect demonstration of why I've always
> told my clients NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT self hosting
> (unless you're doing something so illegal even the
> Ukrainians won't host you).

Um, really?

If this was Scott's business, I'm sure he would have been working on
it full time.  And I'm sure that his wife would be supportive of his
working on it because she wants him to make that money.  As things
stand, however, it is far lower on his priority list than any

Plus a sensible business that was self-hosting would devote resources
to this that Scott has not.  Resources like a backup system and
immediately available replacement hardware.

(Disclaimer, every company that I've worked for has successsively
self-hosted themselves.  And successfully dealt with all sorts of
minor and major hardware disasters.)

> I'm sure Scott is doing the everything he can, but at this
> point IWeThey is serously damaged - the articles have
> disappeared from the search engines and with posting
> activity already a bit low it may be a long time recovering.
> An on-line business would simply be out of business.

A few years ago I ran across the claim that if a business loses its
database and cannot recover it, over 50% of the time it goes out of
business shortly thereafter.  I believe that claim.  I do not,
however, believe that that claim believes that this component of the
company should necessarily be outsourced.
