[IWE] what fannie freddie crisis

William Oxley iwe@warhead.org.uk
Wed, 8 Oct 2008 20:00:58 -0400

rather than get into withdrawing Ben more from the scene, I am very  
happy to wait. If a political meesage comes in from elsewhere I will  
reply offlist to the sender. No worries here,

On Oct 8, 2008, at 7:12 PM, Ashton Brown wrote:

> Ben Tilly wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Peter Whysall
>> <peter.whysall@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 17:45:42 -0400, William Oxley wrote:
>>>> you are separating by header as opposed to subject? okay I will  
>>>> learn to
>>> type
>>>> iwe@warhead.org.uk manuely
>>> Most proper (i.e. non-web and non-Outlook) clients do this. Hell,  
>>> even
>>> Entourage (MS' Outlook-a-like for OS X) does this.
>>> Simply changing the subject line isn't enough to de-thread things  
>>> for
>>> mail clients that thread properly.
>> I have a different request.  I would prefer it if boxley stops
>> spamming the list with these articles.  Just save them up and post in
>> Politics when the website is up again.
>> That's because I have no interest in being annoyed by a constant
>> stream of his political crap.  Right now half the threads in my in  
>> box
>> are boxley.  As a result I'm almost to the point of either blocking
>> all emails from him or unsubscribing from the list.
>> Regards,
>> Ben
> Sorry you're annoyed.
> Factoid: IWE has been down for some time, just as the world implodes.
> Maybe you're not interested in 'politics', even while it has a vise- 
> grip on your ass -- your call; but as a former-IWE participant,  
> you're hardly a voter in 'policy' there, now, don't you think?
> For now , temporarily -- this list IS micro-IWE, thanks entirely to  
> the kilowatts and other generosity of Peter.
> Suck it up, learn to use delete, sulk - but you have no vote on its  
> management, I wot.
> As to critique of Box's missives - -
> While I find many 1s on the 0-10 scale, occasionally there's a 9 --  
> So usually I have a peek, but that's just me.
> (Comprehending Boxlish is also a constant exercise for grey cells,  
> creating new networks in the cilia 'twixt axons and other routers.)  
> Don't want to get early-onset of Alzheimers, now do we?
> OK - killfile moi too.  I can learn to live with that {sniff}
> Sympathies also included re.  your multiplexed activities, kindern  
> and all.
> Here's a cheery note, the text wrapped-around, for a Klein cartoon  
> permanently ensconced on my fridge:
> Depicting someone with head pressed-flat onto shoulder ... via a  
> whole stack of 'things'
> /So often
> We fail to see
> that the unrelenting,
> sometimes even horrific,
> pressures we live <small>under</small>
> are actually pressures
> that we created
> by our own Desires
> in the first
> place/.
> Cheers
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> IWE mailing list
> IWE@warhead.org.uk
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